Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Mikitty Official Blog: 2009-04-15 11:47:06

This was a fairly long entry...as such, there's more room for me to make mistakes. XD Anyone with the ability and willingness to check my translations for correctness, please do so and point out any mishaps in the comments so I can fix them. I'll credit whoever helps me, of course. :P


I have a report for everyone !!

You may already know but あせる

I, Fujimoto Miki,
Have become engaged to the comedian Shouji Tomoharu, of Shinagawa Shouji キラキラ

Because it was a sudden engagement announcement, there may be some people who are surprised ショック! 台風 あせる

Thinking of me first, doing things for me, and being kind to me ニコニコ
Above all else, having come across such a wonderful person who lives with natural self-confidence, I'm so happy ドキドキ ニコニコ ドキドキ

The mother of Ginza also said
He's my soulmate !!

Truly, having met my soulmate, I am really, キラキラ really happy ニコニコ

Also, for the engagement congratulations !! in the comments, thank you so much ニコニコ キラキラ

I'm so happy しょぼん キラキラ

From here on, the two of us will go forward trying our best, so please watch over us warmly ニコニコ キラキラ

Somehow, I'm embarrassed ガーン ラブラブ

Translation notes:
- Where I used the word 'soulmate', Miki actually said 'unmei no hito', which literally means 'person of fate', or 'fated person'. I figured soulmate was appropriate, considering the context.

Original entry here.

1 comment:

Kreuz said...

thanks for the translation!

awww she's embarrased, so cute <3