Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mikitty Official Blog: 2009-04-30 01:25:46


Today, I went on a shopping date with Aya-chan いひひ アップ

And after that
With the person who always helps me
With nail and eyelash extensions and such when I'm in theater

Matsui Midori-chan, from color's
一本指 スマイル

We came to to Shinoukubo to eat a meal

This was the first time I had come here to eat but
It was so, アップ soooooo delicious 音譜

They had lamb meat, and all kinds of other meat
Stuck on skewers

By the way, over on the side of the skewer is Midori-chan はな

Thank you for taking me to a delicious place

And when you think of Shinoukubo, of course Yon-sama comes to mind

I suppose that picture is to be expected, huh? asm

And for anybody with an interest in nail and eyelash extensions: color's

Translation Notes:
- Check the comments for a little info on Shinoukubo and Yon-sama, courtesy of H! usual. XD

Original entry here.


H!P46 said...

What I've gleaned is:
1) The 新大久保 area has a コリアンタウン and I assume the restaurant they went to was a Korean one.

2) Bae Yong Joon has a cult following in Japan (and across other East Asian countries), a bit like Miki had really given their similar fan-given nicknames.

That model stands at a Korean miscellanea store called 韓流バザール. The staff dress it differently every now and again but it's one of the sights associated with the 新大久保コリアンタウン, hence 新大久保といえば. AといえばB is used frequently as a "If A is mentioned you automatically think of B" sort of rhetoric although I'm not sure how best to translate that nuance.

It's apparently a famous sight, probably not quite in the Hachiko statue at Shibuya Station league but still sort of one of those things that you'd think "As I'm here I should go and take a picture of it". That's why she wrote さすが after it, pretty much like 'natch' although I don't like that 'word'.

Zac said...

Thanks for the info. I did some research to try and figure out a little bit about Shinoukubo, but didn't have a lot of luck. Trudging through Japanese search results with Rikaichan can be awfully time-consuming, and I unfortunately have a life to attend to. XD