Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mikitty Official Blog: 2009-05-10 23:07:33

Mother's Day.

Today was..

Mother's day, you know ミンニ-

From me to his
mother すてら

And from him
to my mother すてら

We each gave a mother's day present
ハート キラキラ

Somehow that sort of thing is nice, you know?

Did everyone do something for mother's day?

I really love Mamatty, almost to the point where it's like an Oedipus complex
キティちゃん 好

Mamatty, thank you for everything
Please continue to take care of me from here on
じゅる・・ キラキラ

And Shouji's Mamatty
I'll be in your care
from now on as well ラブラブ

I was given a Carnation from a shop on the way home ニコちゃん

Translation Notes:
- Thanks to H!P46 and jantzeeee for help with a few mistakes.

Original entry here.


H!P46 said...

The part you added the note about isn't wordplay but a long sentence broken down into three parts:
or splitting it into two separate sentences:
私は彼のお母さんに母の日のプレゼントをあげっこしました。 = I gave a Mother's Day present to my boyfriend's mother.
彼は私のお母さんに母の日のプレゼントをあげっこしました。 = My boyfriend gave a Mother's Day present to my mother.

I think your confusion is with the word 彼 which is short 彼氏 (boyfriend) for in this context but it usually means 'he'. The same context-sensitiveness is present in the corresponding word 彼女 which can either mean 'she' or 'girlfriend'.

Then at the end he calls Shouji's mother a 'Mamatty' as well. Notice the lack of the particle も in that one though because it's a relationship that is starting rather than continuing.

Zac said...

Yeah, my lack of kanji knowledge is to blame here, along with me not being careful about what Rikaichan says. かれ was listed in the readings for 彼, but I used the first one given to me...which was あれ, or あの for 彼の. Guess that's what I get for not translating any entries for a few days. XD

Thanks again, as always. :P

jantzeeee said...

But they're engaged now, so shouldn't it be "finacé" rather than "boyfriend"...?
(I even feel like you could just go with "he," if you wanted -- i.e. "I gave a present to his mother; he gave one to my mother" -- because if you use the pronoun without first introducing the referent, I feel like a significant other would be assumed...)

Also, マザコン is short for マザーコンプレックス, or "mother complex"...which I think is more just being a momma's boy (or, in this case, a "momma's girl," I guess -- or "mommy's little girl," or however you want to word it)...I feel like "Oedipus complex" might be going a bit too far (...what with its connotations of killing your father and marrying your mother and all...^^; ).

Anonymous said...

I'm with jantzeeee, 'his/he' sounds better
I'm sure everyone know by now who she's referring to

Zac said...

Actually, I think Oedipus Complex is more the correct term...if she had just straight-out said マザコン, then "momma's girl" or "mommy's little girl" would make a lot of sense....but she used the phrase "マザコンなくらいママティが大好き", which suggests that it's not REALLY an Oedipus Complex, but she certainly likes her mom an awful lot. XD

Anonymous said...

aside of the correction of post...i just want to make a simple comment...

both Miki and Shouji is really sweet...and the sentence "I really love Mamatty, almost to the point where it's like an Oedipus complex" really knock me off, regardless if it's correct or not...heheheheh...